Deleted Bass Clef, Want to get it back

• Jan 11, 2011 - 21:06

I deleted the bass clef because I wanted to print out only the treble clef. I did this by right-clicking on the page (I have Windows,) and selecting "Instruments." The window that popped up showed I had piano with staff1 treble clef, and staff2 bass clef. I "removed" the bass clef. I intended to "undo" the action after printing but accidentally hit the Save button instead of Undo! I had no notes in the bass clef yet (fortunately!) but now want to put the bass clef back into the piece but can't find how to do it. Can anyone help?



In reply to by xavierjazz

Don't think that's gonna do it, because I think what he/she did was get rid of the staff completely.

What I would suggest is to create another piano instrument, copy and paste whatever you have written already, and then delete the original piano.

Dragging the bass clef symbol did not work (I had tried that) as it only inserts the symbol, does not insert a staff. I added a second piano (instrument) as suggested by ceegers and copied the notes from the first piano to the second, then deleted the first piano, though that was more work than seems necessary. Just seems like inserting additional staffs should be a breeze. However, I like the program and free is a very good price!

Thanks for your help!

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