Crashes when trying to change measure properties

• Nov 9, 2015 - 02:55

I have a measure whose properties are wrong (measure duration). I'm trying to alter or delete it but the program (v. 2.0.2) crashes immediately.

I've attached the leadsheet and the problem measure is #28.

Many thanks,

Irv Brenner

Attachment Size
OW! (tb).mscz 18.93 KB


The score is corrupt and that is the main problem. You should be seeing a message warning you of the corruption when you load the score. To fix the corruption, see Changing measure properties is not normally going to be hepful, but see the other advice given there.

In this case, it seems pretty much anything you try doing to that corrupt measure will cause a problem, so I have simply deleted it, which was tricky because it crashed just trying to select it. I magaed to do it by first selection the second-to-last measure then moving the cursor with the arrow keys.

Attachment Size
OW! (tb).mscz 19.06 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc, that worked perfectly! I sometimes import scores and the measure properties are occasionally corrupted. Although I can manually correct the measures, I sometimes run into this thread's problem and now I'll use your technique to delete and reenter them.

Irv Brenner

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