Missing/incorrect time signature after saved

• Nov 12, 2015 - 16:49

Hi, I created a score using time signature 3/4. The playback was still in 3/4 right before I saved the file. However when I reopened the file, the time signature was gone and the whole score became 4/4, and MuseScore warned me the file has been corrupted.

I don't know how this happened. The notes are still in 3/4 so MuseScore warns that every measure has one note missing. Is there a way I can convert the score back to 3/4?

I'm using the latest version of MuseScore 2.0.2.

Attachment Size
Game_of_Thrones_Intro.mscz 26.52 KB


Was the file originally created in 2.0.2, or was it perhaps originally created in an earlier version - or another program entirely - and then imported into 2.0.2? Time signatures shouldn't nornmally just disappear on saving, but certain corrupt files created by earlier versions or other programs might behave that way once loaded into 2.0.2.

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