Too few rests in measure

• Jan 16, 2011 - 04:25

I am new to using Musescore. So far, it seems to be working very well, except for that there appears to be a bug where too few rests are notated in a measure. For example, this song is written in 4/4 time.

But some of the measures, like the ones in the far left and at the page break, only have 2 and 3/4 beats. I can't seem to get 4 beats into those measures. Help?


It would be very interesting to know how you manage to have this, the exact steps.
To solve it I suggest selection the measure and insert a new measure just before it (Press Ins, or Create -> Measure -> Insert measure), copy manually the content of the measure and delete it (Ctrl + Del).

In reply to by pYr0rAGE

I first tried to empty the measure with bad rests by selecting them and press Del. If it works, then it's fixed. It worked for a couple for the first occurence on the entire row. For the other occurence it didn't work so I insert a couple of measure before the bad one. I copied the music manually (entering again) and then I deleted the bad measure.

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