Missing context-menu on Fretboard Diagrams...

• Nov 13, 2015 - 22:49

I am trying to edit a Fretboard Diagram (as explained here - https://musescore.org/en/handbook/fretboard-diagram), but when I right-click I only see the generic options of Cut, Copy, Paste, Select & Edit Element, instead of the expected "Fretboard Diagram Properties..." option. (Please see the attached screenshot.)

I've read in the forums one must not be in edit mode to see this option - I've ensured that yet still see no option to edit the Fretboard Diagram.

Is this a bug or can you see what I am doing wrong? Is there another way to do this? Because of this I am left with just blank Fretboard Diagrams for now.

(In case it matters any I am using MuseScore 2.02 running under Windows 10 on a Microsoft Surface Pro 4.)

Thank you very much in advance - your help is much appreciated!

Attachment Size
Fretboard Diagram context-menu.pdf 135.76 KB


It looks from your screenshot like you did not add an actual freet diagram to your score; instead you added a "symbol" from the Symbols palette. THese are not editable. You need to add an actual fret diagram from the Fretboard Diagrams palette (last palette in the Palettes window; if you don't see it, be sure to switch to the Advanced worksapce using the control at the bottom of the Palettes window).

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