easier way to make multimeasure rests

• Nov 18, 2015 - 21:17

i think that the combining of full measure rests or measures that are completely rests, should be easier to combine in to a mutlimeasure one.

i find it too complicated and too tedious to click on every measure that you dont want to be combined before turning the feature on..

a better way to my opinion would be to hgihlight or select the range of measure you want to combine and click a button that combines it into the multirest.


I am not sure what you mean. Multimeasure rests are created very easily with a single keystroke: press "M" and all empty measures are automatrically converted to multimeasure rests. MuseScore automatically breaks multimeasure rests at the correct / standard places - at double bars, tempo markings, rehearsal letters, etc. It should virtually never be necessary manually break a multimeasure rest.

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