Positioning articulations and ornaments

• Nov 19, 2015 - 12:59

MS 2.0.2 / Win 7 / Win 10

If you single-click on an articulation or ornament you can only adjust it vertically with the keyboard arrows. If you double-click on the same symbol you can adjust both horizontal and vertical position with the keyboard arrows.

Is this an anomaly or by design? Shouldn't single-click selection be sufficient for both?


Pretty sure it's by design. Double click is the usual way to put almost any element into Edit mode, thus enabling cursor positioning. Single click is not normally sufficient, nor should it be, because then it would be too easy to accidentally move elements - especially with the left & right cursor keys, which are used for navigation. There are a few special exceptions made to allow up & down work without a double click - for notes and rests most obviously. I hadn't noticed that it works for articualtions & ornaments too, but indeed it does, and that's nice. But when not in Edit mode, left/right are for navigation.

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