Different clefs in linked staves?

• Dec 4, 2015 - 09:36


I'm new to the boards, so if this has already been answered elsewhere, please just let me know where to look.

Since sometimes we play choir music with different instruments, I like to duplicate the bass part (in bass clef) in violin clef in another staff for those who don't read bass clef. Now I thought I could do this with linked staves in Musescore, as it is the same music just displayed in two different lines in two different clefs.

Is there any way to do this? I've tried a couple of things, but clef changes from the palette affect both staves, and the instrument panel does not let me choose a different clef for a linked staff (or a different instrument, for that matter). Am I missing something?

I can make a screenshot of what I'd like to do if that clarifies things. Of course it is possible with copypasting the entire bass part into a new line and changing that to violin clef, but if I later on want to change something in the bass part I have to change them both manually.

Thanks a lot - any help is greatly appreciated!



This is possible, but does require some trickery: Bass needs to be made a 'transposing' 'instrument', with no transposition, but different clef for transposing- vs concert pitch.
Attach a modified SATB template for this and a sample score with parts.

And yes, I too do know people who prefer to read their bass notes in treble (8vb) clef...
And yes, it would help (me) transcribing scores that are written in treble clef too.

So the template(s) and/or a corresponding change to the Bass 'instrument' in instruments.xml might be worth getting added to MuseScore, giving both choicdes at the simple flip of the concert pitch button.

Attachment Size
01-SATB.mscz 9.73 KB
SATB-test.mscz 12.64 KB

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