Sheet Music Software

• Dec 6, 2015 - 17:19

Hi, I just began using the sheet music software uploaded to your website for download. And I am having trouble figuring out how to connect two notes to make it one beat for some reason there is no option for it. I thought you might be able to help. For example instead of having one single quarter note all by itself how would put two more together to give them a different amount of beats


It's also possible you are talking about eighth notes - two of them beamed together to make a single beat. These are entered by selecting the eighth note duration before entering the notes; MuseScore handles the beaming automatically.

Generally speaking, it helps to read the Handbook on note input and maybe watch the tutorial videos on the main oage of this site. Also to be familiar with the basic concepts and termnlogy of music notation. Good luck, and feel free to ask if you have further questions!

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