Localized help, error report and handbook URL: help link is not pointing to the localized URL.
I'm new to MuseScore. Unfortunately the help link in the program is not pointing to the localized URL. So I first started to translate music terms before browsing the help docu.
The help resource is great and as I am aware of, know, there is a striking Language dropdown field on the webpage.
It would be fine if the help link in the program could point to the localized help url.
I'm using the german version of MuseScore
link to handbook
URL should be:
The same with link forum
schould be changed to
and Program error link:
schould be changed to
Thank you
GIT commit: f51dc11
As bug reports should be done in English, that link should better not change, but I agree that the other two should. I'll try to look into this...
Hmm, all three menue itmes do lead to the correct nationalized pages for me (the very same that you request them to go to), so I don't see the point of your request?
Windows 7 (Enterprise, 64bit) MuseScore 2.0.2, German settings
Hi Jojo,
Thank you for verifying.
I'm using Windows 10 Pro, x64 MuseScroe 2.0.2, German settings with Firefox.
As you see the correct pages, I did some more investigation.
My test with different default browsers:
IE 11 *******************
Forum link is correct:
EDGE *******************
Forum link is correct:
Firefox ******************
Forum link is pointing to EN:
Odd, I thought.
But now I found, Firefox is installed in English - so it looks like MuseScore is using the default browser langugae.
If this is on purpose, everthing is fine.
I was assuming the MuseScore link is using the MuseScore installation language and not the language of the browser.
Thank you for clarification.
Kind regards,
Ok, then let's close this issue
Thank you for your investigating ChristophJ. It's always good to have things double checked.