
• Jan 31, 2011 - 19:01

I think 2 is just an issue with the length of the tail (or the beam). I don't know what happened to 1.

Tested in 2.0.0 nightly build (3953). Fine in 1.0.0 pre-release 2 (3949).

Files attached in the next post - can't attach both here (happened before).


Attached a score demonstrating 2.

If you add more bars, the stems become smaller.
The stems in bar 2 are slightly shorter, although if you copy over the right hand note, they seem to match.

Using 2.0.0 nightly build (3996) and Mac 10.4.11.

Attachment Size
Long Stem.mscz 1.93 KB

2 is still evident on MuseScore 2.0 nightly build (4130) - Mac 10.4.11.

Anyone else able to reproduce and determine what the problem is (maybe file a report)?

In reply to by chen lung

Well, I started by loading your file, saw the bug, then wondered how you got into that state. So I added another bar and tried re-entering the notes myself. I saw that the stems were placed down by default (not what I'd have wanted, either - I'd love some options to specify rules for default stem direction). I then double clicked the beam, dragged up, and saw the problem.

In hindsight, what I should have done as hit "X" to flip the stem. Just tried that, and the same bug exists if you do that.

BTW, I'm using nightly 4111.

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