When I hit PLAYBACK the score jumps around the screen and eventually hides behind the palettes menu
Since I edit the score on the fly while listening to the playback, this is really annoying.
GIT commit: f51dc11
When I hit PLAYBACK the score jumps around the screen and eventually hides behind the palettes menu
Since I edit the score on the fly while listening to the playback, this is really annoying.
GIT commit: f51dc11
It is better to ask for assistance in the Support forum (Help / Ask for Help from within MuseScore), as what you are seeing is probably not a bug but just a misunderstanding. My guess is that you have (accidentally, perhaps) undocked the palettes windoew and simply need to put it back where it belongs by dragging it back to its docking station on the side of the screen.
BTW, editing during playback is not really supported, it might happen to work sometimes but msot likely twill lead to problems.
No more info for 3 years. I close the issue. Reopen if needed.