Repeating verses

• Jan 12, 2016 - 19:42

I just found Muse Score today, and I'm absolutely amazed!
I've only used WinJammer and Presto before.
Today I just wanted to make a paper copy of an English folk song for others to follow, but I was delighted to find that it can actually be played in real time with a choice of instruments.
However, I've encountered a problem with repeating verses, and I haven't been able to find the solution either using the handbook or forum search.
I'm sure that it's something pretty basic that I've missed ...
I've added a repeat bar at the beginning of the chorus, and a Fine at the end.
That's followed by the second, third and fourth verses, with verse lines at the start and repeat bars at the end of each.
However, on playback, at the end of the second verse, it repeats from the *beginning* and continues on to the second verse and then the third, and then repeats again from the start.
The same thing happens with the third and fourth verses, except that the anacrusic bar of the second verse (and only the second verse) is missed out.
It stops at the end of the second iteration of the fourth verse, not at the Fine mark.

It's A Rosedbud In June.mscz


In reply to by David Barton

Assuming it was supposed to go back to the start repeat in measure 8 just before the second volta in measure 26, you are missing and end repeat at the end of measure 25. Also, the special mid-measure repeat symbols are for show only; they don't play back. If you need to have a repeat mid-measure with playback., use the Edit / Measure / Split Measure to split the measure and use "real" repeat signs.

In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

Well, I seem to have fixed it, but it was a bit of a faff.

I tried putting a Segno at the repeat bar at the beginning of the chorus, with D.S at the end of each verse (D.S. al Fine in verse 4), but it made no difference at all, so I've removed them.

I've split bar 8 at the repeat sign and added a first volta bracket up to that point (yes, it was necessary, to avoid repeating the first verse).
I've added volta brackets to the second, third and fourth verses, rather than just a line at the beginning of the section.
I found that the *second* verse had to have a *first* volta bracket (I've changed the properties to show 2, rather than 1.) in order to prevent it from being repeated before the third verse.
That makes sense, as it's only played the first time round.
I've done something similar with verses 3 and 4; verse 3 is a second volta, but marked 3 for clarity, and verse 4 is a third volta marked 4.

It all worked nicely except for verse 4.
After the second repeat (volta 2, verse 3), it played verse 3 again and then verse 4 followed by the chorus up to the Fine, where it stopped.

Then in a flash of lateral thinking, I wondered if the "repeat list" property in the volta mark did something other than what I'd thought.
I've changed them all to 1, and now each verse is played only once, and it stops in the right place.
So it looks as if the "repeat list" property sets the number of times the volta is played (and verse 4 was only played once because it got to the Fine before repeating again).

Or am I missing something more fundamental?

It's A Rosedbud In June_3.mscz

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks, but no. The repeat at the end of the chorus (bar 26) causes it to be played twice on the first verse.
The Segno is superfluous, as the repeat at the end of the fourth verse brings it back there anyway.

I've now found that the volta over the first verse is not necessary after all.

Here's my final version, which is pretty much as I would have expected it to work writing with a pencil :-)

It's A Rosedbud In June_4.mscz

The only fundamental difference to the original file is that the second, third and fourth verses are all entirely bounded with volta brackets, and the repeat list property is set to 1 in all of them.
It doesn't strictly even need the Fine at bar 26 because all of the voltas have been played once at the end of the third repeat , but I've left it in as it's a good indication to a player that here is where you stop.

Thanks to all who've replied; I'm impressed at how quickly the contributors here have offered to help.

In reply to by David Barton

I am having difficulty with my score under Musescore 4. It keeps repeating Verse 1 despite indicating that it should only play once and between the repeated Verse 1 & 2, it omits the chorus. Please assist to make the song play in the correct order, ie. Chorus, Verse 1, Chorus, Verse 2, Chorus, Verse 3, Chorus, Verse 4, ending with the Chorus.

I played the "Its a Rosebud in June" score in Musescore 4 and it did not work properly either.

Thank you for your assistance.

In reply to by shamanmulchand

Your repeat structure doesn't make sense to me as a reader, so I'm not surprised it doesn't make sense to MuseScore either. You have a whole bunch of codas and no DS al Coda, and also no jump to coda anywhere, plus you have voltas with no repeats, etc. Replace all DS markings (except that final one) with actual repeat signs and delete all coda signs. That's just to get it to make sense. Then to make sure MuseScore can play it, also be sure to have the voltas set to the correct number in their Propertes (your all have the repeat list set to 1).

See the Handbook chapter on repeats for more info.

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