Issue when transcribing beamed notes to midi.

• Jan 15, 2016 - 13:17


I'm currently working on an interesting piece, and I'd like to beam some notes across the staff, with the key. Allow me to clarify:
Currently I've got this: //
Now, the first 3 notes of the sextuplet are looking weird and I'd like to first adapt those to the right key. Something more like this: //
However, this screws up the actual bass clef notes of that measure so I don't want to do this per se.

The reason I want to do this at all is because I want to clarify that the first 3 notes of the sextuplet are to be played with the left hand, which leads us to our second problem. When exporting to midi, even the beamed notes are being registered as notes in the g clef and thus for the right hand.

Does anyone have some solutions to try?


This is basically one of the many limitations of MIDI - it just has no way of capturing notational info like this, or even whether the note is a G# or Ab. Use MIDi for playback if that's convenient, but don't expect it to convey meaningful notational information.

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i'm saying that getting it to "work" is simply not an option if you are expecting the MIDI file to contain all the information needed to reproduce the printed notation. MIDI simply wasn't designed for that purpose. There is no way to have a MIDI file know the difference between G# and Ab or any of a thousand other notational details that are going to be just as or more important than which note should be played in which hand. MIDI just doesn't have ways of representing notational details.

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