Slash notation should not change pitch when part is transposed.

• Jan 19, 2016 - 21:34

I believe the request is in the heading. Slash notation is generally not pitch-specific but rather is there just to show rhythm for accompanying at most. It is generally placed in the middle of the staff. I think it should remain there.



This should already work. Are you using the built in slash notation facility (Edit / Tools, Fill With Slashes and/or Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation)? Both create notation that is tied to a specific staff line and remains there despite any transpositions, although you can override the line used for any given slash note using the Line control in the Inspector. For "Fill With Slashes", MuseScore should default to the middle line of the staff. For "Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation", it uses the middle line for voice 1 or 2; voice 3 goes above the staff, voice 4 below. See the Handbook under Tools for more information.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

If you continue to have trouble, feel free to post the score and describe in more detail. However, it is meant to be pretty dead simple. To fill region with simple slashes (one per beat), select the region, run Edit / Tools / Fill With Slashes. To take a passage notated normally and convert it to rhythmic notation (slashes with stems showing the rhyhtms), select it, run Edit / Tools / Toggle Rhythmic Notation. That really should be all there is to it.

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