Cross-staff beaming with clef change

• Jan 25, 2016 - 01:41

In measure 44, I want to transfer the first note of the second quintuplet on the right hand and put it in the left-hand with a treble clef change, and do the same for the first note of the following group, so that it looks like image in the (hacked) PDF file.

Can MuseScore notate this?

Attachment Size
Body and Soul.mscz 39 KB
Body and Soul.pdf 51.5 KB


The trick is to add the clef to a note that is genuinely in that staff—in this case, the quarter rest is in exactly the right spot. So, click the rest, double-click the treble clef in the palette, and then do the cross-staff beaming. (You may then wish to make the rest invisible.)

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