Tie line remains when removing 2nd note

• Jan 26, 2016 - 21:11


I am redoing a piece I initially wrote before 2.0.

I am removing tied notes in chord across bar lines. They are 2 note chords.

When I delete the tied note at the top of the chord, the tie line remains. However, when I remove the 2nd note of that chord the tie line disappears, as expecter.


If I remove the whole chord rather than one note at a time, the tie line disappears.

In the initial post here, I was removing the top note first - that is where the tie line remained. Removing the 2nd note did not remove the first tie line.

Hmm, it seems if you delete the *second* note of a tie and there are other notes in the chord, the tie remains, until you save and reload the score. That seems like a bug. Could you submit it to the issue tracker? With MsueScore 2.0, this can be initiated from within MuseScore: Help / Report a Bug. As usual, it is best to attach a short sample score and steps to reproduce the problem.

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