Show melody while playing other parts
I am looking at musescore for the first time and am trying to figure out how to show one stave (eg the melody) while listening to all the other staves. I do this so I can play along with the "band" on my sax. In several other programs I use, this is usually accomplished by muting the melody stave while hiding all of the other staves. I see how to extract a part, which produces a very nice display of the melody sheet music, but when I play it, I don't hear the rest of the staves.
Is there a way to extract a stave without eliminating the sound of the other staves? Or, better yet, simply click on one stave to display while playing.
I really hope I can do this, or that this will be added soon, since musescore looks like a very nice application.
It's not yet possible to hide staves but you can mute your own part in Display -> Mixer
In reply to It's not yet possible to hide by [DELETED] 5
Ah, too bad. Hopefully this use for musescore will be considered in the next update. I suspect I'm not the only one that would like to use it for this purpose. Thanks for the quick reply!
In reply to Show melody while playing other parts by LeinerD
Why not just print out the melody?
In reply to Why not by xavierjazz
Far more convenient and powerful to have the computer show and scroll the music as I select files to play. Why search a big book of songs and have to turn pages everytime I choose one to play? The best programs for this feature (eg EasyBeat, Band in a Box, etc.) not only scroll the music, but overlap measures when changing the page so the player can look ahead without having to wait for the new page to draw.
Just checking in to see if this feature has been added; i.e., the ability to show one part while playing the others. I see that the iOS app has this feature but still cannot find it in the Mac app. The part extraction tool does a good job of displaying the part, but it only plays that part when it is selected. Thanks.
In reply to Just checking in to see if by LeinerD
The iOS app is more geared for these sort of playback purposes. The primary function of MsueScore is *creating* scores, not so much playalong. But FWIW, you could get this effect by going to Edit / Instruments and hiding all staves but the one you want.
In reply to The iOS app is more geared by Marc Sabatella
Ah, thanks, Marc. A little cumbersome, but that might work. I'll check out the iOS app as well. If I am able to generate sound from the midi input of my WX5 digital sax in the background, that might indeed be a better solution.
In reply to Just checking in to see if by LeinerD
For your consideration--
To play along with the 'band' on your sax without printing out the part:
1. Set the sax part to mute in the mixer.
2. Play your score in 'Continuous View' instead of 'Page View'. The music will scroll.