Dials and sliders or Digital vs Analogue

• Feb 1, 2016 - 16:33

Posted this as part of something else so thought it best to post as an individual item.

Replace the dials & sliders in the Mixer and Play panel with boxes into which I could type values. I have virtually no fine control in my hands, so moving dials and sliders is VERY time consuming and inaccurate. Whereas I can type digits reasonably well so for example, to be able to select a sound in the Mixer and set the Vol to 75 to get 3/4 volume takes no time at all but to move the dial to 3/4 takes me ages and I can't guarantee that it is set at 3/4.

Hope this makes sense to you very helpful technical gurus.


I quite agree Ewart. I have asked for a numeric box in addition to the existing dials before.

Ideally this would respond to arrow keys for fine adjustments as well as the typing of set values.

Are you aware that the mouse wheel can be used for fine control over the position of the dial?

Just hover the mouse pointer over the dial and then move the mouse wheel.

HTH for now :)

I'm also a proponent of ditching dials in favour of spinners ir something equivalent showing an actual value. Perhaps something for a GSoC project?

I sympathize with the requirements and I also would like better control on the mixer sometimes, but we are all quite advanced users of MuseScore. To me, any improvements in this area has to be done together with a designer, and someone who understands that MuseScore is not only used by tech savvy or pro audio people and that they might be scared by something like the following (the ardour mixer, just an example...)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I think the overall design is fine as it is, but it lacks a) numeric feedback, and b) key operation.

Both essential for use by the blind.

My only other concern is that each channel "strip" occupies quite a large chunk of screen real estate which begins to become a problem in orchestral scores which often mean you are continually scrolling up and down to find your instrument channel.

This is made worse by our current use of multiple channels for tremolo and mute even when they are not used in the piece, and I wonder whether we should consider changing the architecture to use Change Instrument for tremolo and mute rather than having redundant channels assigned.

Would that be an easy thing to change??

Oh, and it would seem an excellent candidate for GSoC

Perhaps if this suggestion were added to a previous suggestion of "a sound per voice" instead of the current "sound per instrument" there might be sufficient for a GSOC project?
It would certainly get my vote!

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