My files are missing

• Feb 1, 2016 - 20:29

I did an arrangement of Turn It Off and Hello (Book of Mormon) and only today i try to see my Hello music and it's been replaced by an early version of Turn it off. No idea why this is happening. Please help

Attachment Size
Hello!.mscz 22.57 KB


The most likely reason is that you inadvertently did a "Save As" at some point and overwrote the file. In any case, recovering from a backup would indeed be your best bet.

This score has been created (or last saved) with MuseScore 1.3. Better upgrade to MuseScotre 2.0.2...
The HowTo Shhoichi linked to is for MuseScore 2.0, although with some adjustments cncering the path names it should work with 1.3 too.

Once you saved it with 2.0, you won't be able to open it with 1.x anymore.

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