Is there a way to download the audio of the scores you create?

• Feb 3, 2016 - 23:53

I have seen many people post audio scores using musescore, and I remember someone mentioning that you can actually get the audio file of the scores you created. How do you do this?


Or in musescore also it is able to export the file as mp3, wav, flac or ogg file. Do you mean something like this? (btw: if you choose the download button in (sheet music) it is also able to save the file as mp3 file)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The L.A.M.E Consortium makes it available free but does not allow the Framework to be embedded or distributed. They require end users to download and install individually.

There are a number of other converters, Apple (iTunes, Logic, GarageBand QuickTime etc.) and MOTU (Digital Performer from 8.02 on) come to mind. There are many others. They write their own mp3 converters and do not use L.A.M.E.

In reply to by MikeHalloran

Sorry but that's completely wrong, even if the result is the same...

LAME is not a consortium. LAME is a free software library licensed under LGPL. However it implements technologies patented by the Fraunhofer Society and other companies. These patents makes it impossible to distribute LAME or any other mp3 based converters or players without the authorization, and so the payment of a license of these parties. So LAME doesn't "require users to download and install individually"... It's just forbidden to distribute a binary of an MP3 tool without paying a license. If one own such a license, and obey the license of LAME, then one can distribute LAME.
If the tools you mentioned ships an MP3 export feature then they pay royalties to Fraunhofer and friends, and it could be that some of them are using LAME under the hood since it's one of the best MP3 encoders out there.

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