Musescore will no longer open

• Feb 5, 2016 - 02:29

Hello all,

I used to run Musescore 2 on my computer*, but one day it just stopped opening and I haven't gotten it to work again. Here's what happens:

1.) I click on the Musescore icon
2.) The logo pops up as if it's about to open
3.) I get the spinning pinwheel
4.) alt+command+esc and get (Musescore not responding)

I have deleted Musescore and tried downloading it again. Same issue. I have downloaded versin 1.2 and still get the same issue.

I've tried typing /Applications/MuseScore\ -F into my terminal and here's what happens:

I open up terminal, type in what's above and after I hit "enter" Musescore will have it's logo pop up as if it's about to open, then I'll get the spinning pinwheel, and finally I'll hit alt+command+esc and get the not responding message. Also in Terminal it will say something about Digidesign CoreAudio plugins and no suitable image found. And then it says "did find:" something else about Digidesign CoreAudio and how there is no matching architecture in universal wrapper. It says something about plugins and that the bundle is not loaded.

I'm not really sure what else to do. Anybody have any ideas? I used to use Musescore 2 on this machine all the time. I cannot understand what may have happened.

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