System text style for chord names

• Feb 7, 2016 - 21:37

Some time ago I seem to remember that there was a discussion as to whether or not chord names should transfer to all staves in a system if entered on the top stave. This would be very useful. Was this not implemented, or perhaps I just don't know how to evoke this?


some option like this would be useful. I've always just right-clicked a chord, selected all similar elements in same staff, and then pasted to different staff, but then makes editing a chord hard. I've also tried using a blank 1-line staff dedicated for chord symbols (made that line invisible), and then included that staff in all parts, but that approach doesn't work if parts need to be transposed.

There is no such option. It's complicated, because the staves might have different transpositions, etc. If you want chords on only the top staff of a score but also want it on all partds - and I should note I have never seen music published that way - you should add it to all staves but mark them invisible in all but the top.

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