Liturgy of the Hours

• Feb 9, 2016 - 00:50

Hello All,

I'm helping out the local Trappist monastery to fix and redo some of there liturgy of the hours books. And I new, at the music notation. I was wondering if someone could help me with a step by step, for music without time signature. Or if someone could point me in the right direction.

I have attached one of the opening songs. Once i can get one done I will be able to get the rest done.


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Hi Meo,

As a working church musician I am doing stuff like this all the time.

Here is the "Sets" page from my account......

If you look at some of the scores there, particularly those based on chant, such as this one....

Then you should begin to get an insight into how this is achieved.

I would start off by using one of the liturgical templates, and then set a suitable time signature which will allow you to enter the longest sentence - I usually use 30/8.

Once you have entered the notes for your sentence, use the Split Measure option with the first rest selected, and then delete the empty bar full of rests which results.

Once I have entered your notes I use beaming to indicate rhythmic grouping (the flow of chant is based on the difference between 2 and 3 note groupings. I then use slurs to indicate melismas.


If you need further advice, come back here.

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