Change key signature *affecting* the notes

• Feb 11, 2016 - 02:02

I'm attempting (for mostly recreational purposes) to change a song written in major to one written in minor, but in MuseScore when you apply a key signature to music it automatically adds accidentals/naturals to attain the "original melody" even with a different key signature. This makes sense for serious composing, but is there a way to suppress this feature so that applying a different key signature actually affects the way the music sounds? That is to say, the actual notes would be written the exact same, but because the key signature was changed they now sound different. If the note had a flat before and the key signature would add another flat to that note, it would still be written with a flat making it de facto a double-flat.


There isn't a direct way to do that at the moment you change the key, but it's easy enough to force MuseScore to convert everything to the current key: select all, press Alt+Shift+Up to raise everything a step diatonically, then Alt+Shift+Down to lower everything a step diatonically. All accidentals will be thrown away. This might not really be exactly what you want, as some of those accidentals will probably still make sense, but there is no way MuseScore could possibly guess which, so you'll just have to figure that out for yourself.

EDIT: Notes / Transpose also has option to do this, as mentioned above.

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