Last element placed should be on top.

• Feb 12, 2016 - 18:32

A small irritant is when 2 elements are placed in the "same" place. the first placed is always on top.

For example, if one has 2 text instructions on the same note, if one clicks on them, the first instruction is selected. Usually when I am doing something that requires this, I want to move the 2nd element. However the first is selected and I find I often have to scroll in a great deal before being able to select properly.

Another example is if a signe is placed over a bar number, When I click on the signe it is rarely selected, rather the bar number is and then I have to ctrl-z, scroll in and find a way to just get the signe. There are other examples, but they escape me at the moment.


A way to control selection of overlapping elements would indeed be greatly appreciated. This has come up before, along ith a few suggestions on how it might work, but no consensus was ever reached on any concrete proposal that I can recall. Do you have any suggestions? I think something holding Ctrl while clicking to cycle through the various elements at a position, or maybe even just pressing Ctrl after making the selection, cukld work. How do other programs you have used handle this?

FWIW, though, it's not necessarily the first plsced that is on top. It depends on the type of the element. Certain element types are always on top of other element types regardless of the order they were placed. For example, dynamics are always on top of lyrics regardless of order.

BTW, sorry I've been nit-picking some of your suggestions. I'm glad to see you starting to explore 2.0 further!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Older versions of AutoCAD used Ctrl-Click to select between overlapping elements; however, I'm happy with MuseScore's current Ctrl-Click behavior, allowing you to add separate elements one by one to a selection (which is standard in many Windows programs). Later versions of AutoCAD used a process involving holding Shift-Spacebar while clicking; it was fairly awkward and counter-intuitive.

As far as I can tell, Ctrl-Right click is currently unused in MuseScore. I think that would be an easy enough sequence to start cycling through overlapped elements.

In reply to by Seamas

As I see it, the standard use of Ctrl+click is not incompatible with this. What Ctrl+click does is toggle the inclusion of the clicked element in a list selection. If the element is currently not in the selection, then it is added. If it is currently in the selection, then it is removed. I could envision this simply being extended to say that if there are overlapping elements, and one is currently included in the selection, then in addition to deselecting that element, the element below it will be added to the selection instead. And again if there are more than just two elements - each Ctrl+click would remove the current element from the selection and add the next. When you reach the bottom of the stack, the next Ctrl+click will deselect that element and do nothing else. then the *next* Ctrl+click will select the top of the stack.

As far as I can tell, this would not change a thing about the current Ctrl+click behavior if there is only a single element, but in the overlapping case, it would have the effect of cycling through them.

Not that I'm opposed to making it Ctrl plus right click if there is precedent for that.

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