Repeat with starting selection.

• Feb 15, 2016 - 06:40

There has been multiple request about "nested repeats". And it is true that it could complicated to read by the musician. However this is the case when the repeats are not labeled correctly.
I usually purchase music sheets and many of these have nested repeats which are properly labeled and it is not confusing to follow.
However I found it impossible to add this kind of notation using MuseScore.

Below I am including an image with the kind of notation I would like to use, which is common to find in other music scores.

The suggestion would be to able to label the "Repeat Start" barline |: with a value which could be numeric or string.

The other part would be to add to the Volta the property "Start to list" in which we can indicate to which start barline the repeat will jump to. It could be multiple values for different starts as configured repeats.

The playback process could also use this information to execute the music jumping properly into the configured starts.

Thank you for considering this addition when possible.

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Request.jpg 129.95 KB


You can add that notation already - just add it as staff text, or using the Line Properties to make it "end" text on the volta itself.

As for playback, we try to focus on making standard notation work as well as we can. Support for non-standard notations is going to be much lower in priority.

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