uploading problem

• Feb 26, 2016 - 21:48

I need to upload these onto Musescore to see if I can transpose it from E flat to C, but I have a bunch of errors in the music that is not allowing me to upload it. Anyone know how to fix these? I've never used this program but I really need to transpose this piece...Thanks for the help.

Attachment Size
filename-1-8.mscz 15.33 KB
filename-1-9.mscz 11.03 KB


Welcome aboard...
Are you sure these are the correct files?
If so, where did they come from? Another app?

You can ignore the MuseScore's load error warning and open them, where you will see there is nothing much worth fixing, much less transposing.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Yes, these are the correct files. I scanned the music from my printer as a PDF and then used the PDF converter option. After converting it from PDF to a musescore file, I tried to upload it on to the website so that I could work on the file. The upload option says it can not be processed because there are several errors. Not sure how I can fix that and it won't let me upload it unless the errors are fixed.

In reply to by geraldinev

I'm not understand the part about uplaoding to the web site. I mean, I get that you can't; I don't get why you would want to with the file in this state. You can't "work on" a file via the web site; only via MuseScore itself. And these files do indeed need a lot of work from what I can see. So you shouldn't want or need to upload these files; you just need to open them in MuseScore - which you can do by hitting "Ignore" when the error message pops up.

I suspect you'll find that the files are not really vwery usable - the program that converted these from PDF to MusicXML did not seem to do a very good job (which is to be expected; that's very experimental technology). Most likely, you'll do better just entering the music into MuseScore by hand.

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