Leon Vinken

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue [MusicXML Import] deduce tempo from metronome Leon Vinken 2 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML Import] crash importing grace note attached to a rest Leon Vinken 4 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML export] Some dynamics missing chen lung 9 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] Instrument and Part name empty chen lung 7 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] Curly bracket appears if there's none chen lung 3 9 years ago
Forum topic Different playback volume of instruments when comparing mscz and MusicXML chen lung 2 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML Import] Ottava ends at wrong place visually chen lung 10 9 years ago
Forum topic Failure to open mpmcwhirter 3 9 years ago
Issue Crash on load of MusicXML file with pedal change but no start Joshua Pettus 9 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] support overlapping spanners chen lung 7 9 years ago
Issue relative-x tags exported to MusicXML incorrectly Marc Sabatella 8 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] System Text, Stave Text, Chord Name and Rehearsal Mark don't preserve font chen lung 10 9 years ago
Issue Crash when paging through file containing multi-measure rest Leon Vinken 7 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML import] crash on Mac if file contains explicit accidental Leon Vinken 31 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML import] crash loading The Stolen Child - vocal score - RB - 2014-10-22.xml Leon Vinken 6 9 years ago
Forum topic Special characters in MusicXML chen lung 6 9 years ago
Forum topic Continuous view: imported MXL file hides SATB voice parts, then crashes DanielR 3 9 years ago
Forum topic Continuous view: SATB stave abbreviations displayed in wrong order DanielR 3 9 years ago
Issue Stave Text imported in 1.3 score imported from MusicXML appears at top instrument chen lung 13 9 years ago
Issue Exporting MusicXML causes crash chen lung 6 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] invalid MusicXML generated from file in #34781 Leon Vinken 3 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] multi-measure rest not imported Leon Vinken 2 9 years ago
Issue Crash on import of MusicXML (tuplets?) pduvallet 8 9 years ago
Issue Wrong octave in musicxml proyb2 3 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] Normal and underline Stave and System Text exports as italic chen lung 6 9 years ago