
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Staff Text? mike320 9 2 years ago
Forum topic Hide SOME measures of an instrument, not the whole instrument. odelphi231 7 2 years ago
Issue Wrong translation in swedish menu JohannesMusic38292 9 2 years ago
Forum topic Website design (Musescore.org) odelphi231 0 2 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore or musescore.com to "blame" for chord displacement? atomadde 19 2 years ago
Forum topic dynamics, velocity, velocity change R. L. F. 48 3 years ago
Forum topic Plugin translation odelphi231 42 3 years ago
Forum topic Possible bug/glitch with cross-beaming notes. odelphi231 6 3 years ago
Project Counterpoint Analyzer odelphi231 0 3 years ago
Forum topic Brackets for Grand staff and 3 staves in same score odelphi231 6 3 years ago
Forum topic Betonungen einstellen Polyphonicus 8 3 years ago
Forum topic Weird bug when setting style for pedal brackets odelphi231 16 3 years ago
Issue MuseScore Now Always Prefers Sharps; Ignores Staff Properties Setting Blaarghinator 4 3 years ago
Forum topic Modify number of measures per line [DELETED] 30037188 10 3 years ago
Forum topic Lyrics line pushed downwards whiskyscotty 6 3 years ago
Forum topic Half-diminished symbol pickmorsem563 10 3 years ago
Forum topic No bug fixes on version 3.6.2 odelphi231 8 3 years ago
Issue Cross-staff beams getting jaggy and thicker from the side, an extra beam is also getting added BetaBleeds 67 3 years ago
Forum topic Can I stop MuseScore from sending bank / instrument select messages? josebarragans 5 3 years ago
Issue в партетуре не печатается верхний нотный стан kalevserg 4 3 years ago
Forum topic Can't add lines to voices other than voice 1 odelphi231 10 3 years ago
Forum topic Rallentando Gabbey 3 3 years ago
Forum topic v3.6.0 and v3.6.2 mistakenly think a file created under a previous version has unsaved changes BanjoJake 3 3 years ago
Issue MIDI Input makes jarring sound after each note when using Arturia Keylab MkII dylanfixmermu 2 3 years ago
Forum topic Crash when restarting MIDI on Version 3.6.2 odelphi231 0 3 years ago