
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Souci avec l'Update FluidR3GM ? cadiz1 4 9 years ago
Issue The display of the tempo palette is wrong after creating a new workspace cadiz1 22 9 years ago
Issue Opening a score createted via "Save selection" of a linked staff causes a crash cadiz1 8 9 years ago
Forum topic A plus-sign dotted line in the line palette LuuBluum 2 9 years ago
Forum topic Changement de clef à l'intérieur d'une mesure bergdoltp 2 9 years ago
Issue Lines over empty measures overlap with multimeasure rests cadiz1 1 9 years ago
Issue Some default bends type are badly displayed cadiz1 8 9 years ago
Forum topic How do I put a picture into a score? Moses373 2 9 years ago
Issue A score creation with two instruments and linked staves is corrupted immediatly after entering a note cadiz1 9 9 years ago
Forum topic The display of the clefs palette less well defined? cadiz1 8 9 years ago
Forum topic Nouvelle partition avec version1.3 sous W 8.1 Jacjo 2 9 years ago
Forum topic MUSESCORE 1.3 Jacjo 2 9 years ago
Forum topic Transposer une partition Matthieu Tarlet 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Liaison de prolongation swanney 2 9 years ago
Forum topic La Palette Tempo s'affiche différemment selon le "statut" des Palettes cadiz1 5 9 years ago
Issue Tempo texts are aligned incorrectly cadiz1 40 9 years ago
Issue Dynamics and Tempo: reset to style in text properties produces a wrong result cadiz1 6 9 years ago
Forum topic Numeric keys not inputting frets crize2foi 2 9 years ago
Issue Wrong width of last system once fill threshold exceeded Marc Sabatella 4 9 years ago
Forum topic insertion # dans texte -olimi- 2 9 years ago
Forum topic Palette principale / indications de mesure -olimi- 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Opérations sur les lignes Miré 5 9 years ago
Issue Inconsistency between entering notes via the mouse in "Continuous View" and "Page View" according bass and treble notes cadiz1 6 9 years ago
Forum topic Position number on fretboard diagrams? geetar 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Métronome et mesures ternaires cadiz1 24 9 years ago