
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Moving Slurs causing next beat to be silent in playback Jeff Stilwell 2 6 years ago
Issue Hide empty staff first staff is not made hidden rconinck 3 6 years ago
Forum topic Too many notes in one line Nicholas Bernier 4 6 years ago
Forum topic Virtual Piano Keyboard raffa101_ 1 6 years ago
Forum topic Change from French to English Nadine AndMark… 2 6 years ago
Issue Collision between staff text and tempo text [DELETED] 3 5 6 years ago
Issue 'Tempo follows text' stopped working AngsCopy 12 6 years ago
Issue BPM field in Play Panel is not immediately synced awelch83 30 6 years ago
Issue Play panel: BPM value disappears if you move the tempo slider very slowly geetar 7 6 years ago
Issue Actual tempo doesn't revert when undoing an edit on a tempo text etno.stri 4 6 years ago
Issue Adding tempo from the palette to some score remains uneffective until the tempo is modified by the inspector. Joachim Backes 7 6 years ago
Issue Tempo is not applied properly Anatoly-os 10 6 years ago
Forum topic Select instruments visible in each system in MuseScore Anders Lindén 15 6 years ago
Issue Setting for don't hide an empty stave within a particular system kuwitt 8 6 years ago
Forum topic sound channel change problem mkjnovak 13 6 years ago
Forum topic Notas que se salen de la medida del compás Sinesio Madron… 65 6 years ago
Forum topic Andante for oboe, clarinet and bassoon drowssap 5 6 years ago
Forum topic Como eu posso mudar o valor de um conjunto de notas na partitura inteira Kap Pa 3 1 6 years ago
Forum topic score will not play Pinkanddazed247 3 6 years ago
Forum topic Text in parts jcorelis 8 6 years ago
Forum topic Uploading a score WilsonE7 2 6 years ago
Forum topic Pizz and tremolo problems in playback guarnerius4me 1 6 years ago
Issue Anchor points are not rebuilt after setting auto placement Anatoly-os 6 6 years ago
Forum topic Saving in Windows, then Opening in Mac jmthane 6 6 years ago
Issue Non si sentono le note symon23 2 6 years ago