Brer Fox

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Baroque prelude without bars? 10 1 year ago
Forum topic Music notation 4 1 year ago
Forum topic help i can't access Aubrianna Shields 19 1 year ago
Forum topic music annotation dbfollowme 19 1 year ago
Forum topic How does one change the instrument of an individual voice? barbarossa@peo… 17 1 year ago
Forum topic Visibility checkboxes for Staff: 1 and Staff: 2 of a "Classical Guitar + Tab" instrument scorster 4 1 year ago
Forum topic What articulation is to be used for rapid bowing (tremolo) in a cello or violin? fsgregs 31 1 year ago
Forum topic Comment Feature Neo-classical 4 1 year ago
Forum topic Dynamics marking affects the measures before it innerthought 10 1 year ago
Forum topic Drag & Drop Editing in a Measure Hexad Tom 31 1 year ago
Forum topic Tablature page printout 1 1 year ago
Forum topic Piano score question. Is this possible to play? rwiersma78 4 1 year ago
Forum topic Triplett Eight Notes Insert a Sixteenth nNote Rest that Cannot be deleted rexbutnermusic 2 1 year ago
Forum topic Lyrics under grace notes gavrielwasser 12 1 year ago
Forum topic Changing bracket/braces pattern for staffs. msokol 2 1 year ago
Forum topic 3 verses johntbass 5 1 year ago
Forum topic Rotate symbols jonarnold 2 1 year ago
Forum topic Adding Chromatic noteheads to moveable do SRaybourne 8 1 year ago
Forum topic Add support for scordatura in music for violin family Brer Fox 6 1 year ago
Forum topic Adding a pickup bar to an existing score after the fact belinda.thom 5 1 year ago
Forum topic Creating a Single PDF from my 300 musescore files (without exporting individual 300 PDF files first?) allen49 6 1 year ago
Forum topic More intuitive key signatures Kaleb Wimes 6 1 year ago
Forum topic deleting empy bars in the score Keith Paton 6 1 year ago
Forum topic 8va on single voice Ali Wood 7 1 year ago
Forum topic E-mailing MuseScore scores Big Gobbler 6 1 year ago