add preliminary instructions

• Jun 17, 2020 - 16:04

i want to add text between the box with the title, lyric and composer and the tempo marking given special instructions to different performers; what is the best way to do this?


In reply to by Philip Ellis Foster

i copied some text from an email and then tried to paste it into the box but nothing happened. is there a procedure for copy and pasting into musescore text frame
First double click the frame to be in text input mode, then paste (as with any other text element)

Second, how do i remove a text frame?
Select it (notice the blue border highlight)
Again, just like any other element in musescore

i have a new problem. i had put in instructions to the musicians in text above the first staff using CTR-T. This became a problem when i added new measures at the beginning.

i then learned about text frame, put in a text frame beneath the box with lyrics and composer and put the text as extended in that fame. this looks good.

However, the text that i put in first now appears to overlap the text frame and i can't figure out how to get rid of it. what to do? i cannot select it to use CTR-Del. if you want i can post it online to show what i mean. Please help. Thank you.

In reply to by Philip Ellis Foster

The reason for the text not showing online (or in image exports) is that is almost dragged off-page.
That is also why you can't select it as expected.

If I try to select it from the 2nd page I can just still select an 'h' that's barely on the 2nd page. The easier way for such occurrences is to switch to "continuous view" using the dropdown in the toolbar. There you'll find your staff text to the left of the start of the score and will be able to select it.
Once selected, it can be removed with a normal Delete action.

You'll notice your tempo marking still has been moved quite a lot as well. Select it and press Ctrl-R to reset its position.

As for the gap, it is "caused" by the title frame having a bottom gap setting of 7sp and the text frame having a top margin of 7sp as well. Those default values make sense when the frames are surrounded by music; but less when surrounded by other frames.
Use the inspector to reduce them to your liking.

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