Bending Notes Down

• Jun 24, 2020 - 15:31

Is there a way to bend notes down on the tablature staff. You can only bend notes up with the bend articulation on the panel. Thanks.


In reply to by oli.dholt

No, a slide along the neck is never a bend. As soon as you cross a fret, the sound changes suddenly, not gradually like for a bend (or portamento).
A slide is an arpeggio (not a portamento, unless you have a fretless instrument), or possibly a pair (or series) of slurred notes.
A hammer-on probably is slurred notes too BTW

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Okay yes, but I have been advised that a bend is the best way to represent a slide on the playback (as there is no built in function for a slide on the playback). Therefore with this is mind, I was wondering how I can represent a slide from the 7th fret to the 5th fret on the playback. Thanks.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I am a bit confused in your response. All I want to know is how to best represent the sound of sliding from frets 3 to 5 in the playback. I want it to sound like I am sliding between frets when I play the playback. Using any of the arpeggios or glisasandis from the palette does not effect the sound during the playback, which is why I am looking for other ways. Thanks.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Glissando is the correct notation for sliding between frets and it also plays back.
The thing our playback engine doesn't do is soften the attack of the notes within the glissando, which is what would happen on a real guitar.

For such a level of playback control, MuseScore currently simply isn't equipped.

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