Lyrics move in continuous view mode

• Jul 11, 2020 - 23:26

Why do lyrics move from their standard position in page view to being superimposed directly on top of the notes in the staves in continuous view. All of the lyrics also move when I export the file to My Choral Coach. I've spent hours attempting to find a solution. Any ideas on what I can do to remedy this?


The issue with continuous view is fixed for 3.5, but I'm not sure what you mean about exporting to my choral coach, as I don't know what file format you are actually using for this. Most likely it will turn out that's just a limitation of that other program.

I'm having the same problem - did you find a fix? MY Choral Coach will accept either an xml or muscore file.

Is there a way to change the spacing of the lyrics of a whole piece - I can't move every syllable....

In reply to by mhopperweland

I was able to create ample vertical space by adding spacers (found in the Breaks and Spacers Palette). When things become too close horizontally, I have found that I can "stretch" the space between notes to increase size of the measure, and that typically creates enough space for the lyrics.

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