Doubled time signatures

• Aug 17, 2020 - 16:59

Probably my musical ignorance but I don't understand why a changed time signature comes up doubled in a bar (See bar 28 in the attached piece where 2/4 returns to 4/4.). This has happened to me before and I haven't sussed how to regularize it as I can't seem to delete one without the other.
Yours Olive

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PERHAPS LOVE.mscz 30.83 KB


Score got last saved with MuseScore 3.0.1, so you should really update to the latest 3.5.0, or at least to the previous 3.4.2

In 3.5.0 I see a 2/4 in measure 27, a 4/4 at the end of thast system and a 4/4 in measure 28:

In reply to by oddy.brookes@g…

There may be minor changes in the way some things (like slurs) are drawn but if you don't like it, generally if you select the item and press ctrl+R it will return to the default and look good.

If something like the double time signature persists, mention it here and someone can tell you how to fix that.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Am now in a bit of a pickle! I upgraded to 3.5.0, opened the score (was slightly altered but am ok with that). Deleted the double time signature several times and re-did and it came up double again each time. I feel I need to uninstall the up-grade and download 3.5.0 as a separate software to start new pieces in, but want the 3.1.0 back to cope with what I'm in the middle of there. But can I go back?

In reply to by oddy.brookes@g…

Again: That score is from 3.0.1, not 3.1.0... There is no reason whatsoever to go back that far, if going back than to 3.4.2. But yes, going back is possible, just uninstall 3.5.0, and in order to be able to use it grab the PortableApp of it, and use that along side with any other version you install

However: there are no double time signatures in that score, when opening it with 3.5.0

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