Suggestion: Add an option for Quick Transpose

• Aug 25, 2020 - 17:16

When re-arranging piano music for guitar there can be a lot of transposing to do and although it's simple enough to transpose the whole bass clef in one go it's also not always the easiest way to re-arrange. I find that transposing a phrase of around 4 or 5 bars at a time works better. I can then decide which notes still need further adjustment, e.g. out of range, non-optimal fingering, not sounding 'right' compared to the original, etc. before moving on to the next phrase.

The suggested option would work via a button or shortcut key and would apply the last used transpose parameters to the current selection instead of having to use the full transpose dialogue each time.

Is it worth adding an "S5 - Suggestion" for this or is it too niche?


Mike's opinion: This sounds to niche to me but I like the idea if generalized. I've often wished for repeat last command shortcut that would do the last command on the current selection. In my opinion it would keep the same options as the last command and satisfy your suggestion.

In reply to by mike320

FWIW, there is a "repeat last command" command you can assign a shortcut to, but in the case of transpose, all it does it bring up the dialog again, it doesn't reproduce the settings or apply it.

Elsewhere it's been suggested that the transpose dialog (perhaps optionally) remember the last used settings, and to me this seems like a sensible idea.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I would have not a problem with the transpose dialog remembering the last options selected. I rarely want the defaults anyway. The advantage of the defaults is that they are mostly harmless if a user closes the window with enter rather than escape. I don't know if this would be a problem or not.

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