Combine Rest Measures in 1 section of song, but not in others

• Sep 13, 2020 - 05:48

Hello! I'm writing a solo song and am trying to combine 7 measures of rests together, without combining the rest measures I have at the beginning of the song. Is this possible? If I press "m", then all rest measures combine, including the first 2 measures, which I don't want. Thanks!


If you right click the measure you want to start a multi-measure rest you can choose measure properties and check "Break multi-measure rest" and it will not be part of previous multi measure rests. Since you don't want the first two merged either, then do the same for measure 2.

Depending on the reason you only one some combined and not others, though, there is probably a better/easier way. Like, if it's that you've decided you only want sets of three or more measures to combined, then simply go to Format / Style / Score and set the minimum number to 3 instead of 2. If you explain more about what is actually going on, we can possibly advise better.

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