Crazy flags!

• Oct 11, 2020 - 02:00

I opened a score I had created some time ago to find that, for particular measures, the eighth note flags were displaying about an octave too high:
I tried the Attempt Corruption Repair plugin with no success. I ended up having to "rest" them (hitting "0") and re-entering them. Is there a better way to fix issues like this?


I've note seen this before so it would be best if you attached the actual score. I'll try to figure out why it's doing this and the best way to fix it.

In reply to by straffin

I'm not a lawyer but I suspect this could be considered fair use. If the copyright holder objects the web administer would take it down, especially since there is no profit from this.

What it looks like is that someone selected all of the flags and changed the Y offset to -3.73. The easiest way to fix something like this is to select everything (press ctrl+a) and then ctrl+r. If you have intentional adjustments, like slurs and lines that have been adjusted, you can right click one of the flags, choose Select all similar elements and the press ctrl+r to fix only the flags. The second way will keep intentional adjustments from needing to be redone.

If it makes you feel better you can now edit your previous post and remove the attachment.

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