Volta - 2nd & 3rd pair not working

• Nov 2, 2020 - 21:10

I belong to a concert band. I copy our selections into MuseScore to practice "with" my instrument.
I have attached: Gospels' Favourites.
There are 3 pairs of Voltas. Bar 66 works as expected. Bars 128 & 165 do not jump the prima volta when playing the repeat.
I have done a number of things in attempts to find why, but have been unsuccessful.
I am attaching the file.
I have read 10 pages of questions about voltas but didn't recognize my issue.
I am on a PC, version 465e7b6

Attachment Size
114 Gospels' Favourites.mscz 37.73 KB


In reply to by JazzyLady

We recently spent a couple of hours figuring this out. You're not the first to have found this bug recently. From the issue I linked to you're at least the third and there may have been one other we didn't link to the issue. Jeetee is working on the fix for 3.6 when it gets released.

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