FAQ Suggestion: Request a refund

• Dec 24, 2020 - 11:01

Yet another "request for refund" thread has recently been opened here on .org, https://musescore.org/en/node/314709 and whilst .org is clearly the "wrong site", ("clearly" to the initiated that is), perhaps things could be made easier for the uninitiated:

Request a Refund may be the most frequently asked question in these forums and yet there is nothing in the FAQ relating to this topic. Whilst there is a faq detailing the differences between .org and .com it does not mention refunds.

Solution: Add this FAQ to the list.

The URL of this new faq can then be pasted as reply to such mis-placed requests.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That's part of my point: You have to link to a faq which has a further link to information which still doesn't mention refunds.

"Request a refund" is a faq so it should be directly listed on the FAQ list. I know that it's not a faq about Musescore-the-desktop-software but it would be useful for pointing users directly to the answer that they are looking for.

Yes, there is a problem with differentiation but that has no bearing on whether "request a refund" should be on the FAQ list. I'm sure that you are trying to help users understand the difference between .org and .com but all they want to know is how to request a refund. Your replies can appear as cryptocode.

I notice that even on .com there is no refund section in the FAQ. Perhaps there should be.
However, in the "Contact Us" section, REQUEST REFUND is the first thing you see.

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