Guitar tablature an octave too high. When I select all and try to transpose, it does not work

• Feb 2, 2021 - 20:34

I am writing out guitar tablature that is supposed to be notated and sounding an octave lower than treble clef. When I try to select all of the tablature and hit command + Down arrow to transpose, it does not work. The tab numbers get all mixed up, and the numbers get higher instead of lower. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Minuet_in_G.png 60.32 KB


See my reply to your other post. As I mention, Ctrl+Down for tab doesn't transpose, it moves notes down a string if possible, keeping the same pitch. Which in turn means the fret numbers get higher.

Better to attach your actual score than a picture, though, then we can understand more. Still, as I explained in the other response, just transpose the main staff. The get the clef and transposition right - that's the part is probably messed up right now, but without seeing the actual score and knowing how you created this, it's hard to know for sure what else to advise.

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