Selection in the vertical direction

• Feb 6, 2021 - 09:54

Good morning (in Brazil) to everyone!

Does the musescore have this feature and if so could you please teach me?
I say select quickly as in the horizontal direction without having to be selecting one by one.

Much obliged...

Seleção vertical.pdf


  • click on the first measure, shift+click on the last measure
  • or click the first measure, use shift+arrow keys to extend the selection

note: But only works inside the same system, not as in your picture with measures, they don't follow each other (in the latter case it's possible to select the elements of the measures with "ctrl"+click).

No. There is no possibility to select different non-continuous measures as a range selection.
I do wonder in which use case scenario you might find this useful though? As for one the chance that measure even ever line up as in your picture is already close to zero...

In reply to by mjbartemusica1

If these are truly different measure,s then no, it would not make sense to try to select them together. But I think maybe you really mean, a single system with multiple staves? If so, then yes, it's simply to select vertically like that, just click the top, shift_click the bottom, or use the shortcut Alt+Shift+Up/Down.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The OP's example clearly shows different measures being selected, specifically 2, 6 and 10.

Perhaps the OP hasn't understood what a system is; i.e. a set of staves, one per part (instrument), arranged so that each measure starts and ends at the same horizontal position and indicates parts that play at the same time. The OP's example shows empty measures, but if notes were added those notes would play at different times. Also if notes were added the start and finish of the measures may well not occur at the same horizontal position and so would not line up vertically.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Escalas, arpejos e acordes sustenido e bemol.mscz Good morning (in Brazil) to everyone!

I attach a small didactic material that I prepared, I used exactly my reason for the question in the forum. I know and understand that there are jobs that are much better elaborated and sophisticated, however, I attended the profile of the students here at the school.
I hope that I performed the correct job within the expectations of you.
Any criticism or suggestion will be very welcome for my growth!
Well, I really want to thank you because I have learned and improved my knowledge in this community. Although I still have a lot to learn from you !!

Hug to everyone!


In reply to by mjbartemusica1

I'm afraid I don't understand "For me no two work for vertical bar selection ok" - are you saying you were able to get Shift+Up/Down to work or not? As I said, it only makes sense for multiple staves of the same system - otherwise there really is no concept of one measure being "above" or "below" another in any logical / musical sense. It only just so happens that you have a similar sequence of measures on each system, but they are reuly related, and as mentioned, MuseScore like most notation programs has no concept of selecting non-adjacent measures.

Your score looks fine to me, but isn't obvious what you would want to accomplish by selecting multiple measures in this example. if the goal is to apply some special formatting to just the second measure of each line, I'd do this by setting it up once then simply copying & pasting it twelve times and transposing the result after.

In reply to by mjbartemusica1

As already mentioned, it is not possible to select discontinuous measures (e.g. measures 2, 5, 8 etc.) I don't know what you want to do exactly, but for example, if you want to add the word "Arpejo" in the equivalent measures below, just copy and paste. Easy and quick.

So it only works when adding at least one staff and/or instrument, and this of course for one measure, or two or more adjacent measures (see animation below - after adding two instruments, and selecting measure 2), with the shortcut Shift + Up/Down)


In reply to by cadiz1

Hello cadiz1 ...

I understand everything you taught me, however, what I want to do exactly you can appreciate in the file I sent in the previous message. The different settings made in Compass Property -> Measure Duration -> Real in bars 1,2 and 3 for example.

According to your video, I understood that vertical selection is only possible when there are different instruments in each system.

Friendly hug!

In reply to by mjbartemusica1

"The different settings made in Compass Property -> Measure Duration -> Real in bars 1,2 and 3 for example."

So, measure 1 (Real Duration: 8/1), measure 2 (real duration: 4/1), measure 3 (real duration: 1/1)
From this, what do you want to get, and what is the question related to the title of your post, selection in the vertical direction?

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