Double barline to the left

• Feb 15, 2021 - 06:46

Good morning!
I tried to make the double barline to the left of the measure after the break (see photo) but I couldn't find a way to insert it with a palette. So in this case I used the hand lines.
Is there any way to do it?
Thank you!


Maybe I'm missing something but, it seems to me it's simple to produce that directly, just select the opening barline and change it to double in the Inspector or clicking the double bar in the Barlines palette. This assumes you have enabled display of initial barlines on single staves at all. Neither is standard - normally in cases like this there would be no barline there, or at the start of any single-line system. But it's true this is seen in some lead sheets and other music, and in those cases, it's also common to see the double bar.

If you want the double bar here but not at the beginning of other systems, this would be unheard of in my experience and it would be good to understand the context better. but in that case, you could always mark the ones at the start of systems invisible.

Attachment Size
initial-double-bar.mscz 3.21 KB

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