error report Measure 164, staff 2, voice 4/4 too long. Expected: 5/4; Found: %5

• Mar 30, 2021 - 15:19

I can't seem to find any error in this measure. I have tried deleting and writing each note, deleting and copying from another measure that does not have an error, and can't seem to fix it. Can someone help me figure this out? (I can choose "ignore" and it plays just fine, but I hate having this invisible error.)

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In reply to by suewhitehead

" I never thought to look if Musescore didn't put the next note in the right position."
MuseScore doesn't put notes or rests in the wrong position. This score somehow became corrupted, i.e. the usual logic was broken for some reason. I "fixed" it by deleting 2-3 measures, then created new empty measures and re-entered the notes.

In reply to by IEatAlotofBean…

"I found that if I clicked on a rest, right-clicked, went into the "select" dropdown and selected all similar elements, then pressed delete..."

That's a brute force approach which will delete all rests in voices 2, 3 and 4. Probably not a good idea! And it won't actually cure a corruption where the measure's duration is already wrong.

It would always be much better to identify where the problem lies and to correct only those measures.

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