How to put 2 notes on one space

• Apr 6, 2021 - 21:03

How can I put 2 notes (i.e. the same note) on one space or line? For example, I play guitar chords that have a fretted E and an open string E played simultaneously. (like an E power chord....E, E (8va), B, B, E, E). When I try and put two E's on the same space (top space of the treble clef), it does not work, Musescore only allows one not per line or space (in the default Mode). I am sure that there is some command that I can click that will allow this, I just don't know how to do it (and can't fine the answer in the Handbook).


In reply to by jeetee

Perfect! That worked like a charm! I have two other quick questions, hopefully you can answer those too. Thanks in advance for your assistance. 1) I want to have a grace note on an A note and slide (gliss) into a B note. When I use the grace note feature in Musescore, I can easily add a slur (curved line) between the grace A and the B. But for guitar performance, that is not the same thing. A curved slur line means to "hammer on". A straight line between the notes means to "slide" from the A to the B (which what I want). How do I add a "slide line" between a grace note and the next note?
2) What is the best way to input "harmonics" to be played on the guitar using Musescore? In most sheet music guitar harmonics are represented by a Diamond note head (but with the note head white are empty, not a full black diamond shaped note head. I cannot find that symbol in the master pallet.

In reply to by mcafeestan

1) You can notate the slide by using a straight line glissando from the "Arpeggios & Glissandi" palette. First click on your grace note to have it selected, then click on the straight gliss line in the palette. If you don't see that line in the palettte, you might have to click on the "More" button (or change to the Advanced workspace).
I noticed that it doesn't play back and I'm not aware of a feature request for that; so you're welcome to add it to the issue tracker as an S5-Suggestion.

2) There are many people on this forum better versed in the ways of guitar notation than me; but here's how I'd do it:
* Add the note normally
* Select it
* Use the Inspector (F8):
* Note → Head group: Diamond or Diamond (old)
* Note → Head type: Half
It'll still play back as a normal note, but look the part.

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