Justification of systems

• Apr 27, 2021 - 11:58

Good morning everyone,

In my score I can't line up my first and last staves in the page. The justification is with the different elements but I need the same position of the staves in all pages.

Thank you in advance for your help and sorry for my English!

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alinearsistemas.png 78.27 KB


This should happen by default in MsueScore 3.6.2, so if you are using that version and still see a problem, please attach your actual score, not just a picture, so we can understand and assist.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Close - it's "Enable vertical justification of staves" :-).

But actually that option is already on, and it's already working on this score, The reason there is the appearance of unevenness is that the justification is based not on the bottom staff itself but on the actual notes & markings. On page 1, that bottom staff is empty. On page 2, there are notes and dynamics bekow the staff. The bottom of those markings is aligned with the bottom of the staff itself on the first page. If the staves themselves were aligned, the notes and dynamics would run into the page margin. Turn on View / Page Margins and you can see this clearly.

I wouldn't personally recommend override this, but is you wish to artificially add space below the bottom staff of the first page so it is as high above the margin as it would be if it had all those markings below the staff, a spacer would do the trick.

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