Staff spatium
is ist possible to apply different spatiums to different staffs in one song? 1,75mm/1,4mm/1,27mm
Greetings and a wonderful weekend,
is ist possible to apply different spatiums to different staffs in one song? 1,75mm/1,4mm/1,27mm
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Adjusting of the scale in staff/part properties?
In reply to No. by Jojo-Schmitz
I thought the scaling in staff properties is the percentage of scaling in page settings, isn't it?
In reply to I thought the scaling in… by kuwitt
It is for am entirely different purpose
In reply to It is for am entirely… by Jojo-Schmitz
Maybe I misunderstand this request, but for what special purpose is it intended, if not for adjusting the scaling of a single staff in a score (I only remember, that the settings for "line distance" are for a special purpose and it isn't recommend to change there settings)?
In reply to Maybe I misunderstand this… by kuwitt
Staff properies does only have line spacing (in sp) and scaling (in %), not that scaling in mm/inch as in page settings
In reply to Staff properies does only… by Jojo-Schmitz
Okay, I can't enter the scaling in "sp" in staff properties, so maybe that it is what the OP is missing. But when I decrease in a score with a scaling of 1,75mm the other staves by 20% and aproximate 27% I'll get the same values, or had I got it wrong?
Sorry, if confusing, here is an example of what i want to achieve:
In reply to Sorry, if confusing, here is… by [DELETED] 1307581
Yep, and doesn't work this attached score in this way you want to achieve it?
In reply to Yep, and doesn't this it… by kuwitt
Ahhhh, now i see what you did. You have 3 instruments (each spatium scaling is different).
I have only 1 instrument and want the 2nd and 3rd "line" in other scaling. (never can remember "staff" or "stave", sorry)
In reply to Ahhhh, now i see what you… by [DELETED] 1307581
Not staff, but system in this case
In reply to Not staff, but system in… by Jojo-Schmitz
It looks to me like they just want each staff for one part/instrument to be a different size than the others, as is customary for ossia lines etc.
In which case, yes it's definitely possible using staff scaling, though you have to do the maths yourself to get the exact mm sizes.
BTW I noticed though when you do that the barline widths don't match between staves, which looks a bit odd (even if you just use the "small stave" option).
In reply to Ahhhh, now i see what you… by [DELETED] 1307581
You wrote:
I have only 1 instrument and want the 2nd and 3rd "line" in other scaling.
Hmm... well...
You can hide empty staves after entering notes on the differently scaled staves. Only the staves containing notes will display and play back.
Here's an example:
In reply to You wrote: I have only 1… by Jm6stringer
Yes of course! That did the trick, thank you very much, Jm6stringer! You made my day :-)
In reply to Yes of course! That did the… by [DELETED] 1307581
Oh so you really did want different sizes for different systems - why, might I ask?
In reply to Oh so you really did want… by Dylan Nicholson1
No, sorry, you can't ask ;-)
In reply to No, sorry, you can't ask ;-) by [DELETED] 1307581
Regardless of this: Such a case just came in my mind ;-).
In reply to Regardless of this: Such a… by kuwitt
Well it's impressive MuseScore can do that at all, but it doesn't seem particularly useful compared to various other fairly regularly-used forms of notation that it can't yet do (or do well, at any rate).
What I would think was more useful would be to set the scaling on individual measures, as I have seen examples of that IRL, which would then allow what the original poster wanted. One example where that's potentially useful is if in the same system for piano music you want a particular staff to switch from an ossia-staff to a regular 3rd staff (I thought there was an example of this in the Stravinsky Firebird piano transcription, which makes very heavy use of both extra regular and ossia staves that often appear and disappear mid-system, but I couldn't actually find one quite like that). Or if it's for pedagogical purposes and you just want to pick out a certain range of measures in a part and "magnify" them.
In reply to Well it's impressive… by Dylan Nicholson1
Actually what is common in many large orchestral study scores in particular is that pages that require showing every single staff do use slightly reduced scaling to ensure they all fit. I don't know how you'd do that in MuseScore TBH.