What could I do to help the Windows Store version get updates?
The Windows Store version hasn't been updated for about a year and a half now and is still on version 3.3.4. This despite there's even a release checklist in the developers handbook, and it does include releasing on the Windows Store. The reason I use the Windows Store version of a lot of apps (Spotify etc.) is to get automatic updates without having to trigger it manually. Another open source project that's on the Store is WinSCP and I even paid for it on there so that I don't have to update it manually. I would be willing to even pay for MuseScore on the Windows Store, PROVIDED it does get updates. As it stands the Store version is completely neglected.
See #313298: MuseScore in Microsoft Store is outdated, still at 3.3.4; remove link on Download page
Are you aware of this:
instead of (manual) Help -> Check for Update
In reply to Are you aware of this: https… by Jm6stringer
Not in the Microsoft Store version...
In reply to Not in the Microsoft Store… by Jojo-Schmitz
So then, that's another further reason not to use the Microsoft Store version.
The OP stated:
"The reason I use the Windows Store version...is to get automatic updates without having to trigger it manually."
"The Windows Store version hasn't been updated for about a year and a half..."
Download current version from here:
and enable updates in preferences:
OP does not mention any download restrictions (e.g., school computer).
In reply to So then that's another… by Jm6stringer
Another (and very good) reason for wanting the Miucrosoft Store version is restricted accounts like on School computers and similar restricted Windows installations which don't allow installations of anything not from the Microsoft Store.
In reply to Another (and very good)… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, but the OP does not mention any restriction.
I certainly understand Microsoft's desire to be the single "go to" store for all things Windows related. Lots of potential $$.
Also, IT departments of schools and similar restricted Windows installations can take more coffee breaks when all downloads must be vetted and "certified" through Microsoft - less work for them ;-).
However, the apparent inertia and sluggishness of Microsoft Store with regards to providing timely updates does not bode well for the future.
Unless, of course, if developers can pay $$ to have their software "fast tracked" ;-)
In reply to So then that's another… by Jm6stringer
Musescore can only check for updates if I start it up, which then pops up a window asking whether I want to download the update, which I then have to wait for, etc. A Store app can update without me even touching it.
In reply to Musescore can only check for… by marczellm
What if the Microsoft Store goes crazy one day and tries to delete all the software from your computer?
No, no.
No one can interfere with my computer without my permission and surveillance.
In reply to Musescore can only check for… by marczellm
"The Windows Store version hasn't been updated for about a year and a half now..."
Fine, don't touch a thing and wait even longer for the Store app ;-)